Beyond Clean - Hospital Grade Surface Disinfectant

Beyond Clean

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An application of our TGA certified Hospital Grade Surface Disinfectant kills 99.99% of pathogens on materials for up to 45 days, thanks to our advanced QSeal™ technology. It is safe, effective, water-based, clear, non-leaching and non-corrosive. It is safe for children, pets and plants; but is effective against a wide range of micro-organisms including bacteria, viruses, mould, yeast, and mildew. It also targets bacteria that causes odours, and so deactivates and neutralises the source, not merely masking it with fragrance.

Upon application, our Hospital Grade Surface Disinfectant will form a durable antimicrobial film offering excellent broad-spectrum anti-bacterial and anti-fungal protection to a wide range of household and commercial surfaces.

Having a pleasant scent from the 100% organic Sweet Orange essential oil, it is non-staining and non-oxidative. Safe to apply on a wide range of material surfaces such as wood, metals, plastics, porcelain, stone, fabrics, clothes and linens, carpet, etc. Suitable for fogging applications.

Traditional disinfectants only do half the job
Most disinfectants such as alcohol work upon contact and are effective when wet. Most, however, evaporate within 3 minutes, leaving surfaces vulnerable to recontamination. The surface is clean only till the next contact is made, or when bacteria or viruses are eventually deposited onto the surface by the environment.

It is not feasible to continually wash or sanitise all high-touch surfaces with alcohol whenever contact is made. With an estimated 80% of infectious diseases occurring because of contact spread through hands and surfaces, it’s imperative to look for a smarter solution.